The IntegratE project, implemented by a consortium led by the Society of Family Health (SFH) which is ...

are those who do the
most for others.

because everyone
can serve

Welcome to the
Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria Foundation
Our Mission is to harness and channel resources in ways that optimize Pharmacy’s contribution to health and national development
What We Do
The PSN Foundation fulfills its mission by employing the following methods
1. humanitarian assistance
Provide humanitarian assistance to alleviate the sufferings of the general public by the provision of Pharmaceutical products and services.
2. Grants & Scholarships
Provide grants and scholarships and other financial awards to support Education and Research/Development in the training and practice of Pharmacy.
3. Recognition of Excellence
Make awards in recognition of excellence in the training and practice of Pharmacy
4. Funds Raising
Raise funds towards the philanthropic initiatives of the parent organization-the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria
5. Support & Collaboration
Support and collaborate with other organizations in the field of human health development, health system strengthening, provided that activities arising from such collaboration do not conflict the aforementioned objectives and nor with the objectives of the parent organization, the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria
We need your support to provide humanitarian assistance to alleviate the sufferings of the general public.
“Giving does not only precede receiving; it is the reason for it. It is in giving that we receive."
Israelmore Ayivor
Our Achievements
Following sustained advocacy, the PSNF spearheaded the conversation to revise the 2014 Task Shifting Task Sharing policy ...
In the thematic area of Family Planning (FP), the PSNF secured authorization from the Federal Ministry of ...
The PSNF strategically supported the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) to revise the Approved Patent Medicines List ...
PSNF through the PSN-PACFaH@Scale project (PAS) fully supported the development of the PSN 10-year Strategic Action Plan ...
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